

Self Infliction
The days were unending, as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight,
Days brought merciless heat that never abated,
Bitter cold evenings were absent of all light,
Each brought uncertainty she desperately hated,
Battling her own demons was a perilous fight,
Warring with an enemy her own mind created,
Always so egar to win but losing despite,
A prisoner of a place in which no one related,
Inflicted by misery and assailed with fright,
Her tear filled eyes revealed suicide contemplated,
She yearned for her place among the contrite,
Each fruitless attempt revealed a spot not vacated,
Since no one could hear her she decided to write,
With shaky hands her final stand she stated,

"I've tried and I've tried with all of my might",
"I counted the cost and finally weighed it",
"Yet I have come up empty in every right",
"I'm all out of chances to be vindicated",
"So with this sunset, so to comes my plight",

Then her last plea with a startling echo indicated,
Yet another victory, to the evil ones delight!

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