


She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...

At the End of the Day,
Along with Her Face She Washes her Tears,
She doesn’t Express her Fears,
Congregate Fortitude to face Tomorrows Bustle..

The Path She has Chosen is Full of Thorns,
But She has High Quality Shoes to Walk Upon,
She doesn’t get Distracted if any Butterfly comes her way,
With Smile and Kindness She Dispatches her away..

She is Impeccable,
And to Demolish the Thorns with Help of her Shoes She is Capable,
Her personality is Eccentric,
And Her Mind , She Controls With A Trick..

She has Aimed to be an Independent Girl,
And Shine like a Pearl..

~The Dimple Girl

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