

No title ...
These streets aren't safe and I blame the roiters , looters the mass marches the rage . If I was God I would've hailed hovoc over the mass crowds and burnt them all like a forest fire .. for your peace isn't just but rather unjust . Now a whole city has to morn the innocent ( children ) .. I mean my peaceful protest this whole time has been about Mr . Floyd and so many other innocence lives that has been taken due to pure malice and stupidity .. Half you mufkas dont want peace nor justice . You saw it as a opportunity to just go and loot your community ... rob rape and take so innocent lives . Racine has always been the town to just jump on the band wagon .. really this is tuff times we can't be argue and conversing on who didn't save a life .. we need to open our eyes and be the type to say give me your heart and I'll give you mines and try to help the situation instead of throwing fault .. ughh .. I can't continue sorry ! 😢

By : cicratiz de amor