

An Unrealistic Crush
I know that you exist, for you are made from my perpetual obsessions.
The only thing is that you don't know that I exist.

We only met in the road, how you walked pass looked like a shooting star that has granted a dream. You did'nt even see me, cause you were blinded by all the other girls in the big leagues. You liked brunettes, i was blond. Brunettes remind you of the petrichor smell in the rain, and you loved rainy days, you get to experience a holy bath.

It felt like slow motion. That smell of men's cologne, it still dwells & lingers in my head like one of my immortal bruises that painted and stained my skin. Smiling lips like car doors opening and jokes that make me laugh is a great way of lighting up the room, with every month being like a marble floor no one else can step to but your perpetual friend, loneliness, i just need a mellow stare from you.

I imagine you as the light that pierces thru the suffocating clouds, yet, you see me as a random stranger.

Yes, i admit i have feelings for you, and my heart basks for the sad truth.

© Girl in gray~