

How Do You Get Over the Cheating
how do you get over the cheating?
when you're still with the one who's done you wrong.
when you've taken that emotional beating.
And every "I love you" he said, to string you along.

When his answers to your questions aren't true.
and every word from his lips is a lie.
like when you said "darling I didn't want to hurt you."
oh yeah! and "I can't stand to hear you cry!"

it's been 3 years, but it feels more like.
it was only a few hours ago,
when you went through his phone that night.
and as you fell to your knees you cried out "No!"

it's true he broke your heart into millions of pieces.
you'll never be again, the woman you were before.
so certain you are he's got all kinds of diseases.
cuz he doesn't wear a condom when he's f****** those whores.

he knows you're devastated.
still he doesn't give a s***.
he only gets more and more aggravated.
so he calls you a b**** and says get over it.

he gives you no honesty and no respect.
no kindness and there's no consideration.
but then again what else could you expect?
for the man who knows only control and domination.

and today we see you here together.
there's a big smile on your face.
because you meant it girl when you said for worse or for better.
and he found you not that easy to replace.
© Kari Lindsey