

When are my musings about you going to come to an end? When will my longing for you be fulfilled? You have no idea how much this bothers me. I sleep only a few hours at a time, I'm with you in my dreams; I get so down when I wake, alone you aren't there. I Whis to be with you and I here you call me when you sing, I want to come to you, I just don't know where. longing for the conversation we had before;
I miss you so very much forever it's seems to be, I got rid of the past and put my life and heart in order so you will always have,
a warm safe place to be your self.
I want you to understand that I fell in love with you with out knowing who you were. I did find a truer love than I ever thought I could, the whole world knows your name, but I know who you really are. I am tied to you, from a string, I feel what you feel, so beautiful angel come back to me, I will not run away again, 3 summers have come and gone, yet everyday my love for you only gets stronger, I want this separation to end, so beautiful angel my love talk to me. to my DF T.S.
© ©dejectedpoeit_flowing