

Discarded Chapters: Let It Sink In
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

Youthful expectations,
a foolish thing to believe in,
although beautiful at its core,
the anticipation for an illusion is bleeding.
Fleeting hopes and dreams,
a boat sinking in the sea,
she was everything to me,
a friend, a special thing.
Until I knew her love
belonged to someone else,
But I comforted her soul,
until she healed.
the usual boy meets girl theme,
in a man's world, Oh broken me.
I believed everytime she came,
meant she accepted me,
each time she kissed my cheek,
and whispered you belong to me,
Lies, deceit,
I wanted them nonetheless, it was sweet.
till it dawned on me,
I was never a need,
but a pass time to release
a moment to relinquish burdens,
torment, screams.
because I was unsure as a man,
wiping her tears..
funny I knew but I didn't care,
I believed she needed peace
from the life caging her to pieces,
the illusion was me
denying the reality,
it shattered the guise tucked in my sleeve,
I'm just another man
regardless of what I feel,
today is Wednesday
she isn't picking me, today she's with Charlie
let it sink in.

© fruitfulodyssey