

I refuse
Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

I sit by my window, watching the children who play outside
a smile paints my face as memories from young fill my mind
oh how I remember what it was like
playing in the grass all day with friends
and coming indoors to feast on mother's cooking
how much I've missed the smell of her cooking
the scent that always filled up our whole house

My eyes drift away from the happy children, settling on a group of teens
they make memories amongst themselves,
laughing at jokes and planning their times together,
oh how I remember my friend group,
we would laugh till our cheeks hurt,
and spend time together till no time was left,
memories of places we visited, risks we took
even the simple things like walking to school together,
even that is all but a distant memory in my head

a smile is still on my face,
only this time it's one of sadness,
I miss the times when my greatest fear was missing my test,
I miss the much simpler times with friends,
I miss the ignorance i had,
i miss my innocence before adulthood stole it from me

once again my wandering eyes drift to a young couple,
the man holding his beloved so tight,
while she stares at him, with her heart in her eyes,
the love from them seems pure,
it shines brightly that even I can see it from my small window,
oh how I miss being young and in love,
how I miss holding my beloved through the night,
making memories in the sheets,
planning for the future with happiness in our hearts,
oh how I miss the bubble I and my beloved lived in,
a bubble so beautiful until reality of the world found it's way in,
now my beloved lays 6 feet under,
and I, once her protector, am trapped in my own body.

i sit by my window, starring at all who meet my eye,
i sit at my window confined in my own prison
i sit at my window, trapped in a wheelchair,
the reality of life had it's way with me,
untimely death took my beloved and left me here to suffer,
one night of memories turned into a night of pain,
it turned into a night of grief,
that night made me helpless for the rest of my life

a cup rests on my desk not to far from me,
i hope its filled with water to quench my sudden thirst,
wheeling myself over to the desk is a constant reminder,
i am no longer the man i used to be
i wish to pick up the cup, to have it brought to my lips and down its contents,
i wish to have power over my own limbs,
to not depend on a chair for movement
determination has become my friend,
now I push myself past my limit,
what was once a simple task, now i struggle to complete
i try to pick up this cup,
i refuse to call for help,
i refuse to remain helpless

my hands finally respond to my mind,
although rather slowly, they move to their target,
could i complete this task on my own?
my fingers graze the sides of the cup,
i will my self to hold its handle,
to bring it to my lips,
i succeed
the cup is now in my hands, on it's way to my mouth
I take a few sips of water,
a new found joy finally in me,
the cup slips from my hand before reaching the desk,
the noise calling the attention of my nurse,
his words are nothing but a blur in the background,
my happiness has overshadowed his concern,
I did it
I picked up the cup
I completed a task on my own
maybe this life hasn't stolen everything from me,
maybe there is still a little more will to live left in me
for my beloved and our memories, I refuse to be helpless
© Mary Jeje A