

How do I turn on the light?
Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

The silent night was no surprise as we were in the dry season
There I lay peacefully on my not so comfy bed,
Under the smooth warmth the blanket provided
Fast asleep, my ears could only register the sound of water droplets as a each came down with a thud
To my greatest surprise I could hear something else
A deep vibratory sound trying to escape from a narrow space
From my sleep I wondered what that irritating sound could be
I moved my hands a little and felt an obstruction
it seemed like something big and heavy
slowly I reach for the lamp by the side of the bed
Carefully turning the switch
it had refused to move clockwise
Immediately I felt a tightness in my chest as my mind started playing tricks on me
I didn't do too well with the dark, so always left my phone on to avoid complete darkness
I continued to see moving images of different colours
My brain would always do this to me
There was still an unknown object making a sound on my bed
Again, I tried switching the lamp
This time my heart was racing and I was cold
My sweaty palms kept sliding of the already stuck switch
I accidentally push the lamp off the table causing a loud noise
The lamp switched on and the images were gone
I turn around to see what's on my bed
My eyes widen as I see a strange old man sleeping and snoring right next me
Bewildered...I scream, Who Are You?!

© michelle_pen 🍁