

Dad ♡
He held my finger when I couldn't stand,
He led me ahed to this wonderful land;
He became my voice when I couldn't talk,
He taught me in life how to really walk.

In his presence I am not afraid of dark ,
When he is around my voyage embark .

He is my hope
In a state difficult to cope ;
He is my light
In a catastrophic night .

He helps me reach
the things I can't touch ;
I live to the fullest
without others being a judge .

In the grimmest of my times
I can be under his shadow
which directs me
to a better tomorrow.

His wants are seldom spoken ,
My desire is never broken ;
His wishes are very few ,
But those will go unvoiced too .

He works day and night
being tired despite
ignoring appetite
to fight for my light .

He always tries to cheer me up
when life has different plans for me ;
In his arms he holds me tight
when destiny doesn't favour me.

How are you ? Whenever I ask
he puts on his face
a happiness mask .
He does not want me to know
that he is feeling low ,
but his eyes are real
culprits in this show .

In an attempt to make me happy ,
he never minded if he is unhappy.
Now that I ask myself
how I was affected by this ,
I come to realise ,
My happiness lies in his .

No entity on this land or heaven
can provide me with love and care
that my Dad has given.
What will I do with pleasures external,
when my Dad's love for me is eternal.
© Ztar.