

Why I lost my virtues? A must read poem
#WritcoPoemPrompt76 Why do people do bad things?

As innocent as a child I was,
happily roaming on streets.
Running and laughing all around,
without the weight of those seven sins.

Knocked off, dejected and cheated,
I cried the whole day and night.
Robbed by my own fate,
rejected, by everyone around.

Nobody spares me,
so for pure satisfaction, evil becomes my friend.
I feel as though I get support from there,
envy and greed came upon me, as I was often compared with my fellow beings.

As, I kept grudge against my friends out of envy,
pride and gluttony over took me.
I cheated, I killed, that made me satisfy.
Lust, anger and sloth met me with all the above flaws.

How would I see the good in me?
When I had lost all the virtues to be free.
lost in my own world,
I would definitely perish, but God came and washed it all.

Authors note :{ This is an answer to why people transform from good to bad and how one can become good again. I.e. by asking forgiveness and repentance from God.}

© Pam-1710