


I take a run down the street,
It's the damn bluebird in my heart
Been doing the talking again
Been singing me the blues.

I run and I think of you
How many years has it been?

Four? Five?
God... I miss you but you'll
say "Still running away
from your problems?

Sweat trickles down my spine.
Purple sweat like purple rain.

I quicken my stride.
I run
Not stopping
I pass a panting obese man

How am I any different from him?
He'd like to keep his life
I share this kindred fate with him

That's the thing with life
It's sweeter when it near its end.

I run

I run my blues away.
I run and see faces,
No, eyes
Sad eyes
I wonder if they run to live

It's the same everywhere
It's this life.
This madness
This sadness

Urban sadness on
urban eyes in
urban cities
and it multiplies like
neon lights in bustling
bars on a Saturday night.

I run
For dear life,
For sanity.

Until the knives on my flesh
stop hurting and my knees
sag and whisper,
"You can go back home now.
Empty handed"

© the.misfits

•image from Pinterest