

Our love
Our lave was as a piece of white blanc paper,
So innocent and pure,
Our love was like white snow, that has never been touched.
Our love was as the sky so blue, without any clouds,
IIt was so perfect, but the white paper has been written,
And the snow, there's been walked on, and the blue heaven
getted mixed with the clouds.
People come between our love.
You are gone now, and my heart, it's bleeding.

Please, come back, my love,
you can heal me,
can stitched my wounded heart.
Give my soul my lightness back.
They touched our love, the pure white snow,
with their dirty hands.

They have written in our blanc page.
The clouds come between the perfect blue sky.
Come back to me, so we can start all over again.
Two wandering souls, back together with colors
that overflowing in the other's. when we are together,
I feel so enlightened, and I want that back, Wish you
where here, because we are having the same brightness
in our souls. Come back with me and stay, my love, we
will find our way.
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