

In the silence, a chasm grows wide
Between two hearts, where love once resided
Unspoken words, like secrets, abide
Heavy with meaning, yet left untried

The weight of what's left unspoken bears
A burden that's hard to share or bear
Assumptions and doubts begin to snare
And the gap between them starts to glare

In the space between their eyes, a haze
A mist of uncertainty amazes
The things left unseen, the words unspoke
A language of love, that's yet unwoke

The unuttered truths, like shadows play
Hiding the depths of what they'd say
If only they could find the way
To voice the feelings that they convey

For in the unseen, a story unfolds
Of emotions locked, and hearts that grow old
The unspoken words, a tale untold
A love that's lost, in the silence cold.

#silent inspiration