

Across the road
Sat a row of maisonettes
Homes subdivided -
One above
One below
In blocks of 4.

Unkept grass ran the street
Cars littered the street.
People settled in,
For short-term lodging.

A barrier of trees
Sat beyond,
Verdant and towering
Above tiled roofs
Splitting the neighborhood
From lurking warehouses behind

Many came and went
Pass the parcel
With low income people instead.
A soldier, curly haired woman,
Young couples
All stayed on the street.

There are no smiles here
Not one I've seen.
I'm no longer residing here
To witness such misery
Unfold in sight.

There are few happy memories
Hidden within,
And soon,
Nobody will speak of their forgotten names.
© Alexander_bolton

#life #poverty