

That's All Me
I'm grateful to have you around,
Even when the world's a mess.
There can be no sound,
But I wouldn't do any less.

People often curse it,
And clinge to the dark.
They need more grit,
And to look for the mark.

To see the good times and the bad,
Not just remain ignorant.
And to not look so mad,
Just be more constant.

The mountains are vast,
Each step is rough.
Moments don't last,
And it can be tough.

It's a weird thing to crave,
But it's been here so long.
Sometimes the only thing for me to save,
And sticks in my head like a song.

It's mine alone,
And no one can take it away.
Even when I wish I was a clone,
With happiness making me sway.

It's my insanity,
And it highlights my humanity.

© A G M Capper