

A tragic reality
Her smile is crooked.
Her eyes a deep emerald green.
Her hair a fiery red.
I dare you to run your fingers through the fire and feel the burn that is she.
Her laugh sounds like rain.
It makes you feel at ease, yet some would call it dreadful.
A laugh so beautiful must have come from a horrible horrible place.
No man could have caused the underlying hurt I hear in her laugh.
No, this is the work of a woman so determined to be the center of existence for every human being on this horrible, good-for-nothing planet that she would make anyone in her way an emotional and mental disaster, not knowing that she was well on her way to her own emotional and mental disaster.
Her laugh IS the rain.
It's sad to watch her anger be unleashed upon the one's she loves the most.
She gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, but never receives.
Her heart poured out for you to drink, but you spit it out, "it's too sweet".
So she trys again, this time a different recipe, the sweetness is gone and once again you leave it, because it's not your cup of tea.
She trys once more, this time, its sweet, but not too sweet, just how you like it.
Every now and then, she forgets the recipe that you've always told her she has to be.
She looks at her heart in the glass she made special just for you, and a tear falls down her cheek.
She trys so hard to be what you want her to be, and now she forgot who she used to be.
So sweet, and kind and loving, a resemblance of what it's like to be free.
Now she's who you want her to be, and she's locked in a cage that you made.
Sometimes she looks at the rope you used to hang the cage with and wanders if it would be worth it.
"No, you'd just be even more of a disappointment and they'd never accept you," she says to herself as she continues to live in the cage made of your words and actions.
You'd think her fiery hair would've melted the cage by now, but she loves you too much to tell you how trapped you make her feel.
She tries to tell you she's claustrophobic and freaking out, but you just make the cage a little smaller each time she speaks out.
Her eyes go back to the rope and for the first time she realizes that your words are what's going to end it all.
Her heart beats faster, she's never felt so scared and alone.
She hears a laugh, much like her own.
Looking over there's another girl, sitting all alone. Not in a cage, but a home.
"Hey! I'm in a cage! Can you help me out!" She yells, she just wants to be held by someone who TRULY loves her.
The other girl smiles and waves, but is too afraid of getting put in the cage to help her friend out.
The cage is closing in and she can barely breathe.
"Maybe today is the day", she thinks.
Years later the cage finally closes in on her and her pain is gone.
Her smile is crooked.
Her eyes a deep emerald green.
Her hair a fiery red.
I dare you to run your fingers through the fire and feel the burn that is she.
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