


Clocks heartbeat ticking rhythmically as ssilence breaths in rooms exposure taunting my mind knowing I could never go back to that tragedy escaping the walls enclosure leaving my wounded soul torn to shreds as demons taunt and forever call to me whispering demonic words unescapable from ears torture reaching for his warm hands only finding coldness surrounding every inch of my being praying God grasps a hold of my hand as he takes me too for death was calling my name into the heavens reaching towards solace leaving eyes blind only to be left behind longing to hear his sweet melodious words that encouraged the heart from day to day crying uncontrollably for the tender touch of his hand leaving behind only a sour residue of chemicals devouring midnights encounter consciously trying harder to be with the one who held my heart so true unable to touch anything other than the devil's sidewalk leading me astray towards a life of misery preying on souls mirrored addiction waiting for solace in all of this sadness.
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