

looking back...
looking back I must have been insane, for in those moments I felt no shame, tangled in his deadly game, I knew the risks yet still I came, whenever he whispered my name. the power he held over me could rival that of the gods never once did I fuss about the prisoner I was the illusion of choice he mastered with out flaw. To feel nothing at all... fuck I would have died for it. submerged in his poison euphoric warmth filled my body, the chain slipped round my neck like the last puzzle piece. now I'd give anything to be set free. Even if I get out I'll never escape just ask any addict they'll tell you the same, the battle is daily, hourly, and every second! don't stop keep moving, idle just once even for half a second, he'll reach for you faster then a cobra injecting his poison, wrapping black hands around your neck turning back to a chain you realize too late desire became surrender and surrender became his power..
Until he's consumed all of you.
© LullabiiSkye