

Her Happiness

Right after the Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis process been collided and formed,
She then realized that His sperm touches Her Egg;
Oh! What a wonderful surprise that I've been formed inside of Her!
The wish of having Her own Son.

She'd realized that She's now pregnant;
With me inside Her warm Womb,
I got fertilized day after day and week after week;
Till I become a Zygote under the process of Fertilization.

Oh! She took care of Me;
She even took a Doctor just for Me,
All because She wanted Me to be safe and sound;
Abhoring all the things a pregnant woman had to.

I lay there about Nine months;
Till matured enough to be born,
She called a nurse and there I came;
With pride and joy as expected a baby boy.

Her palms are the warmest,
Her laps are like soft bed made of the purest cotton,
Her chest is like a dreamland when She hug Me,
Her back is like the sweetest bed I've ever been,
Breastfeeding Me with Her own milk,
Calling Me, My love, My Baby, and My Joy,
Oh! What a Mom You truly are!

She fought every battle just to make sure I'm healthy and happy;
Without thinking about Her own difficulty,
She had no tears,
She had no worries,
She had no fears,
And had not been exhausted,
The only thing She ever showed is....
This is my joy,
This is my pride,
This is my happiness,
This is my everything.

No matter what She says;
You'll be a hero someday,
I'll be your teacher,
I'll be your mother,
I'll be your nurse,
I'll be your everything,
It's just I can't wait to see my dearest Son to shine and bring hope, joy, happiness and achievement to the Family,
Only then will Her Happiness will keep on shining.

© Kerdamehi Pakma
Insta damepakma96