

A soldier's chronicle
I've fought war's,
Had to carry Gun's,
Ran through Streets filled with blood,
Into pieces, my fellow brothers are blown up,
Our Commander's shouting forward,
Tanks bombed by bombs with a loud noise,
The Ground covered with dead bodies just like the night filled with harlots,
I've had to pop grenades just at the cackling sound of a crushed nut,
Every part of my body covered with burns and cuts,
I've slept in the cold nights covered with soil,
I've had to fight in the rain,in the sun,
I've had to fight everyday, more and more,
Till we finally won,
One battle won and gone,
Now i have to fight another one yet to come,
The fight between me and my demons,
My head is the battle ground for the kill off,
My grenades, guns and bombs can't save me this time of course,
I have to change my weapons to a Bible and a cross.

© Deryl