

I could really careless. I will shrug and walk away. A million thoughts running thru my head. consuming my whole day. If only there was away to let it out. I struggle with punctuation and can barely spell. I sound so stupid when I talk its easier to live in this hell. When I open up they make fun of me. Its hard to always take it. And easy suicide attempts. Why can't anyone relate to me. I wear my heart outside my chest. I always look at the ground so no dominance is set. I am nothing to fear. I want friends and not regrets. Maybe after High school they will see me different yet. I hang onto hope that one day someone sees inside my head. After that they'll have the regret. Then the drugs made me a man that people thought was the best. I could open up and talk. I was out of my head. Before long the addiction had me wishing that I was dead. Homeless as a Junky can I have the hell back I called my head. Life comes in phases its ok to not know. We learn and we grow. You'll see what's important don't give up yet. Your kindness is not a weakness. You just haven't grown into it yet. Don't ever give up on yourself. Don't be consumed by regret. You'll have a chance to grow up and show them all yet. Show them that you could careless.
© Kristopher Gossett