

No one wants it, but it comes
maybe if it would have asked whom can I take?
but it takes any one at an time,
death it's a big brow

it comes in your house without reasoning it takes the father, the one who goi out searching food for us
the only one who is strong enough who makes sure we are eating
the only hope you have,
hi is gone
you don't want to believe but am sorry you have to
he is gone, he is not coming back.

takes out joye you have
as you have been seeking to have a child for a long time you have been called by a burrener, tears comes out when you see people teasing you in that way,
good enough now you have a child
grace in your house, a bay is born
praise be to God.
unfortunately death comes in your house and take that only child and leave you as you were just too.
you don't want this to happen
but am sorry it has happen
you don't want to believe but am sorry you have to
you child is gone and will never come back ,

broken hearted we are for we were happy with those who have gone
we are 100% sure that we are on death's list soon people will be calling each other discuss on how should they go with your burial,my burial , coffins will be bought to put you or me in there.
no one will escape we are all going there death is not leaving anyone behind

bressed are they who die in the hands of God for they will have eternal life
