

back then
I just want us to go back to the way we was before,
before that 1 battle that became our first war,
before we went to war 1000 times more, trying to settle the score,
each hit worse then the one before,
I've had enough,
just pack your stuff,
or I'll pack mine,
u went too far this time,slamming of the door as u walk out, start ya car u drive away, I'm distraught, and losing control, I start hitting these damn walls, can't change what's just happened,can't go back past,wish we could to redo all the great times and erase the parts that became our demise, saying shit we regret,
taking low shots,
we lost count of how many times we said we ain't keep doing this,maybe if we gave it more and stop leaving each time we "should" for those are the times that will make us strong, if we can just hold on,
try a little harder,go the extra mile,have a lil more patience, remember all that matters is what time is spent,and what wars we are faced with but conquer together come out on top go against the odds, remember what we are, what was it that caught your eye what is it that got u to propose, man I don't know, I wish i could know, cos I'm scared without you, but I am alone with you, what can I do to fight these demons their different to the other ones, they too weak to run, so they choose for me to just go under, cos we forgot what we are together we forgot how to treat each other, we always been so solid together we stronger together, for the rest of eternity we meant to be, you gotta stay committed to me,I will always stay committed to you don't give up on me I ain't give up on you, if u do I ain't sure what I will do I'm at the end of my rope the strength I once had is now a nope, time given is strength made,or a perf e ct distraction, together we will conquer don't fuckiin doubt it i gotta have ur back and u gotta have mine too I can't live life without you I need you
© sandiiRsalt