

Lost heartbeat
How many heartbeats
have I felt strong?..

The stars can't help to count.

The rising pulse
and my shy smile
holding my hand to cover it up.

I snuck a glance,
as my mind goes
in all directions ahead.

I call my name..
in a loud room.

Trying to stop myself.

I noticed all that you said and did
even the tiniest drop.

I do think this fall
will hurt quite a bit.

I surely know.

I'm falling for the same thing,
I'm learning what my type is,
because of all this.

I fall for you in many dreams.

I fall for a broken heart.

It is mine to begin with,

It is like I truly wish,
that pieces scater
in the hard ground.

Oh my heart!

Still I'm in doubt,
because all this,
may be just a dream.

I'm scared...