

We Are A Natural Calamity
Tranquil and serene, pure and unseen,
The forest stood infinitely green.
Tender and slow, the wind did blow,
The brook maintained the tedious flow.

Here and there, free of care
Birds hopped around everywhere.
Up and down, grey and brown
Squirrels would not slow down.

Above and over, like an isolated lover,
The clouds cherished the leafy cover.
The trees too, with passions true,
Waved the departing beloved adieu.

The morning dew, fresh and new,
Gently kissed the flower's hue.
Round and round, buzzing around,
Bees wooed flowers, unbound.

Bare and bright, the king of light,
The sun reigned until the night.
Cold and dim, alone and grim,
The moon substituted for him.

Early at dawn, a little fawn,
Raced around the forest's lawn.
Young and free, lost in glee,
The butterfly was on a spree.

At their best, all at rest,
Filled with harmonial zest.
Nothing amiss, eternal bliss,
Gift of heaven, Nature's kiss.

To their dismay, one fine day,
Mortals of clay, came to stay.
Best of creations, Ruler of nations,
But too weak to resist temptations.

At first accost, peace was lost,
One was hungry, all bore the cost.
Always in need, filled with greed,
The loot began at full speed.

The little rill, lost it's thrill,
Lost it's flow, became still.
Bees went quiet, no flowers in sight,
No reason left to take the flight.

No place to hop, to perch atop,
Birds flew away, no trees to stop.
Weak and dry, left to die,
Poor squirrels could not fly.

Even the fawn, was long gone,
None left to brighten up the dawn.
The harbinger of rain, again and again,
Searched for it's lover in vain.

Invaders assume, it is a boom,
And rejoice on their own doom.
Absence of morality, blind to reality,
Humans are the only natural calamity.


#trq #nature #NatureLover #naturelove #rhymes #humanity #human