

The world I wish to see
Oh! I smell jealousy.
Oh! I smell corruption.
How can you judge an innocent
By making an assumption.
I hate to live in a world
So reckless and unjust.
And ashamed to call it mine
When I don't know who to trust.
This is no way good,
And definitely not what I wished for.
But of course it can be changed.
Of course it has a cure.
If you look at people and their brighter side.
The good in people that they hide.
By killing your ego and vanishing your pride.
If everyone tried and no one lied.
Then we could say it's a better world.
Where no one will have to cry.
We all can be happy souls
If we wish to see every one high.
The way I look at society
And the way I want you to.
No one will face anxiety
If your determination is true.
Do not be quick to judge.
You never know what you've said.
You may regret in future,
They may become your ideal instead.
I wish to enter society
And walk along with pride.
Where I may not be judged,
Where I'll feel comfortable from inside.
Just try and see
It will be quite easy
To make the world
The way you want it to be

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