

Face of Depression...
While ignoring others and keeping silent, that face showed a big fake smile,
making himself distanced and detached, ''well, Im not sure, if Im really up to it...''
all he could ever think of was, save some time and be alone for a while,
would anyone care for and drop by, stick close to him and just dont exit...?

When everyones out partying hard, and in a corner he sits afar,
with every possible invites his way, he would ramble, ''sorry, today's not really a good day...''
drinking alone, lost in his own mind, battling his own bizzare,
would anyone go on and check, would any kind soul just drop some 'hey'...?

How much struggle did he faced, dejected inside witha lone tear escaped,
with every passing moment, on his mind, ''no, i just cant do it, how can I?''
lost with all motivation and interest, with his inner soul being rapped,
would anyone see through his eyes, talk to him and lend a shoulder to cry...?

Ever slowly he starts to isolate, breaking away himself from every possible friend,
still stuck within ones own world, ''why does everything have to be so hard?''
trying to maintain his demore, hiding emotions, for him, it became easy to pretend,
would anyone just come and give a hug, say its okay and let down his gaurd...?

Then on some very harsh days, when he can barely hold onto himself,
constantly reminding him, ''Life sucks! feels like everything is going wrong and falling apart...''
counting his mistakes and regrets, taking all blames upon his ownself,
would anyone be aware enough for him, stand by his side and encourage him restart...?

So far when he went through a lot, and all he could think was just the end,
for he is tired and restless, "I hate my life, I cant do anything right!"
when everything became internalized, on self-harm and insomniac nights, can he depend,
Would anyone please finally understand, that there are many words hidden in his, "I'm Alright."

© lost_within