

Corona virus
The unseen enemy
Killing the popularity
This viruses has killed the economy
Companies lost a lot of money

The nation is crying for mercy
But the Covid-19 feels like its too early
Seems like we going on World war four
But this time with an unseen enemy for sure

Its like it attacks when least expected
And once you infected
You get tested
You test positive , family and friends are affected

As number of deaths grow everyday
This is a very heavy weight
Corona virus has taken a lot of lives
And as a murderer it appears

With social distancing introduced
New recordings produced
Washing of hands adviced
And the government discussed

Screening made a habit
In this planet
Avoiding touching eye's,nose and mouth
We are reminded of that throughout

Lets all stand together during this lockdown
We need to stop roaming around
Play safe and stay safe
Because i believe we can go over this case

