

A glimpse of Hell
Never thought your soul would hit the skies before mine...
I can't wait to get to Heaven, I hope I'm next in line...
Been a decade but I'm still not over it
My desire for retaliation still fervent, I believe one should pay for this crime...
Was told that my wounds and scars will heal and fade in time...
Sadly they're still stinking trauma...
Would've been better if you got sick and went into a permanent coma...
But the Grim Reaper played arsonist and had your soul going up in flames..
Should have dived into the fire through those wooden window frames..
And saved you


Fear took over, I stood there frozen and watched you burn to ashes...
I cried gallons and became numb when you stopped screaming...
I could feel a lump clogging my throat as your last scream echoed in my ears...
Was angry at myself for failing to tackle my fears..
I could hear the angel of death giggle in triumph..
I could feel my soul blazing with fury but weak and defeated at the same time..
I was an emotional wreck

Your screams have been haunting my soul for years like I'm some culprit..
Guilt has been embracing my conscience, I should repent
I've had enough of this torment...

Please forgive me , I should've been more of a hero than a bystander ...
Tell our parents I'm sorry...
I know they're disappointed, yeah I'm a disgrace...
Tell God not to send me to Hell, I got a glimpse of it, it's not a nice place....

Continue resting in peace

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©️2020 @ Bethuel Tjebane
©️2020 @ Ordained Ink's Haven