

Its funny that the star at night
Created a pattern called constellation
It can be seen every night in every nation

A constellation
Is a sailor's direction
In a place where lies a treassure
That you cannot measure

For once I was a sailor
In the sea of stranger
I hold no compass to command
But in Love I demand

I was a romantic sailor they say
But its love that I can't never push away
I can slaugther every kraken
But push me away, I am broken

One night as I sail
I see a strange star in a horizon
Leading every sailor's direction
To what they longed for so long

I followed the star for it is strange
Soon I realize I am beginning to Love
It was my curse
But how can you outlove?

I hold no compass
But my heart leads me to you at last
You outshine every star and even the moon
And you will find me soon

If you ever found me
I know your arms would feel like home
Oh my dearest starlight
How I wish for that night

© KaponoMoonblood