

The kiss....
I had imagined it thousands of times...
You had imagined it thousands of times...
But when it happened...it was way beyond imagination...
I felt electricity run through me...
The trembling of fingers...was as slow, as trembling of lips...
As we got together....we wanted the time to stop...
It was as if time did stopped...the moment was captured deep..
The imagination was never that beautiful, as the moment was...
You made it special... and suddenly the air felt so thin... everything stood still...
With the lightening effect we separated and met again...to be in the moment...
No words...no sounds...
Just you and me...closest as ever...
I felt you..
You felt me...
We became one ..
Again Became one...
The sun rays added to the effect...
The birds cooing added chemistry...
The imagination was less...
The day...The noon...was more...
Fingers criss crossed...
lips loving each other... and the feeling
Of togetherness was everlasting.. everlasting... everlasting!!!
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