

Alone In Crowd
In a crowded room, I stand alone,
A sea of faces, yet I'm on my own.
Amidst the laughter and the cheerful cries,
I'm lost in the depths of my own sighs.
Voices blend, like a distant hum, But my heart feels heavy, weighed down and numb.
I search for solace in this crowded space,
But my loneliness, it cannot erase.
Eyes meet mine, but they quickly turn away, No connection formed, just fleeting display. I'm a ghost, invisible to their sight,
Lost in the shadows of this endless night.Surrounded by people, yet feeling so small, I yearn for a touch, a voice to recall.
But the silence echoes, a deafening sound,
As I wander through this crowd, unbound.
The laughter surrounds me, like a bitter pill, Highlighting the void that my heart can't fill.
I smile on the surface, but inside I ache, Longing for someone, a connection to make.But in this crowded room,
I'm just a silhouette, A lonely figure,
Filled with regret. Yet, I hold onto hope,
A flickering flame, That someday,
I'll find someone to share my name.
For even in the midst of this crowded gloom,
I know deep down, I'm not alone in this room.
There are others like me,
searching for a friend, Together, we'll find solace, and this loneliness will end.
© thekennyadetule