

The one that......
Take my hand,
Drips of tears.
Lead me out of here.

Tears continue to pour.
I start to fade away.
What was once Bright,
quickly turns Black.
My heart?
My eye?
Burn with tears.
My wrist?
What wrist?

My hope is gone,
done with.
It left when you did.
Now I'm waiting.
Waiting on something that will never come
someone who will never show.

slowly dying.
Slowly fading.
Bright goes to dark.
Light to black.
Happy to dead.
Smile to frown.

Me to nothing.
You to..
The one that killed me.

#Bye, #Dead, #Death, #Suicide, #Tears, #Pain #rosiewriteups #darkpoem #dark #villian
© Queen Rosié