

Jack n oorrryyy.
Rory. Tell the Tale, age old, His-story proper long. Love a good Westonz, 31 revolutions, stary eyed. Leap into 24 like 2000, Lapped 7 ways from mundain Monday..
and back through another weekend, like a convent of Nuns, Hedgend, big hedge on the right.... no-one cum in, literally there was Nun atall.
Life to carry on,
Start to galvanise. Remember to take the slag clean from the top, pure carbon metal.
Press the button, enter dexters lab. Ooooohh what does this horrific depress, spell or do.
Clean as a whistle.
man still dabblez.
at least i got some Carbon metal.
It was a steel.
like Mercury.

Runny like ride this riddm.

© Rawkus Poetry