

The fault in their Stars
The fault was not in them ,
But in their stars .
They collided without thought ,
Of what shall happen next .
Their lives overlapped .
Their stars rejoiced .
All was beauty , all was liberation .
Until one day , one of the twinkling lights ,
Fell short of vivacity ,
And the other could not ,
Give her's to him .
Because if she did ,
Maybe he could not hold the spirit ,
She had within herself ,
And ,
Burst into flames , at once .
So he suffered .
She suffered herself .
Slowly , she began depreciating .
He stood by her .
Never knowing that,
She was giving herself up ,
Slowly and gradually ,
For she wanted herself to be the fist to leave .
I don't know how many of you have had the fortune of reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green , but this is inspired by that absolutely gorgeous novel :) And yes , I have a weird obsession with stars , not in their science , just in their existence .
#tfios #stars

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