

Your notes,
Are the only things I have,
The words are like melodies that float(s),
But the letters sometimes misbehave
Most of the words crumble
maybe the quill trembles from your hand
And the ink split on the words
And I strain my eyes to catch glimpse of it
Was that L*ve you wrote or the one with 'I'?
How can I denote that, your words seems unclear
But as the days passed by, I'll dwell on the notes
Became my early devotions and your sweat on every page,
Was an abode for my fingers in trace
I'll trace till the last letter, how can I leave that be?
Your notes are the only thing, that smell you in the house
How can I lose that to which my heart glued?
I'll wait till the end of the world
I'll wait till the words became clear
And I'll journey in the melody alone
The melody that floats undisturbed

© Whitephoenix