

Whispers of the Deep
The ocean's surface, a shimmery gleam,
Hides a vastness, a watery dream.
Sunlight dances, a playful embrace,
But deeper it goes, a darker space.
Beyond the reach of the warming ray,
Where twilight fades to perpetual gray,
The water thickens, a crushing weight,
Silence descends, a solemn state.
Here dwell creatures with bioluminescent glow,
Eerie and strange in the inky flow.
Fishes with eyes that pierce the night,
And ancient forms bathed in pale, ghostly light.
The ocean floor, a carpet of sand,
Etched with the stories of a forgotten land.
Shipwrecks slumber, encrusted with shells,
Whispering secrets in ocean's swells.
The pressure mounts, a crushing force,
A world unseen, on a timeless course.
The ocean's depth, a mystery grand,
A universe hidden, beneath the sand.
© nishitgangwar
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