

Abyss of Lies
Who would have thought that being fake was so stressful,
Its tiring to pretend everyday,
Its tiring to pretend that you're okay,
Its tiring to look happy,
And its tiring to please everyone.

Don't you feel tired of lying?
Don't you feel tired of deceiving yourself and everyone else?
Don't you feel tired of lying about the real you?
I sure am.

Don't you feel tired of hiding?
Don't you feel tired of hiding how you feel?
Don't you feel tired of hiding who you really are?
Don't you feel tired of putting others above yourself?
I sure am.

In order to survive in this world,
In this battlefield called Earth,
A perfected mask is essential ,
Along with a bottle for your screaming emotions.

Sometimes I feel like screaming at the world,
I feel like yelling at life,
Unbottling my true feelings,
Uncaging the real me,
But sadly this world prey on the weak.

Sometimes I just want to end it,
To end it all so that my heart and soul will no longer scream in pain,
But I'll be a coward if I do,
So I just try to ignore it all with a smile.

Don't you feel tired of being fake?
Of not being you?
Of still being caged in the endless abyss of lies?
I sure am.

© Enma Eden