

Sun's love
I asked him,"why you always come back and go again?"
he smiled at me and said,oh my child just wonder i'm like a head and tail of a coin.
I wonder why?
with his charming face he said,like people who bets in something are so happy if their selected side(head or tail) lands.
Likewise i do have my own responsibilities to cheer someone.
Yet,confusion and lots of questions was lingering onto my minds.
Meanwhile he said,"you didn't get me right?"
It wasn't a childs play for me to understand all those.
Like those coins i too have promised to cheer the two things,so i come and go back again,he said.
He replied,i rise for the living creature and set back for my family.

I continuously looked at him and was so touched with his words.
I rise early in the morning and help all the living beings in whatever situations they need me.
Likewise i set for my family to spend some time with them.
So i set everyday promising the living creature to rise back again and promising my family to come back again with the same love and enery.
It was so pleasing to hear that.I wonder i was a bit far away from all those realities.
Wondering a while i was so deep in it,my cheeks was as red as an apple and i forgot i wasn't there alone.
Quickly i rise my face up and looked he was setting back with the tremendous amount of smile and promised me to rise back again with the same love.