

Every day, I think of the moment you touch my lips, it's a sensual bliss that envelops my tongue. Oh.. yes, I miss you already. Knowing you come in different waves of personality and you break my existence into pieces, to then be heated and put back together like molten glass. I want to savor every delicious moment with you, tasting new parts and just ravage each cold touch you give me. I cannot wait to see you again, just the thought of you makes me quiver with zeal. I cannot fathom a world without your healthy touch, without that booming love for my body and without that sensation you bring onto my touch. This is love... love for you. I wish to know more, to discover what hasn't been tasted before and licked every drop you have. You bring such a pleasure when I hear or even see that beautiful name. Kombucha is what I crave in this world.

© Process-12