

The gossipers
he can't promise anything
when he's empty
he fights to get one thing
but yet still, he is nothing

to them that's how he is seen
he is what they sees
trying to have them deceived
or else they'll have him killed
as envy takes roots

he becomes thier conversation in the bar
where they dine and sip thier wine
every drop from the cup
he becomes thier talk
'he can't promise anything
when he's nothing' they lament

'he fights to get just one thing
and hasn't gotten anything" another adds and they all laughed ' ha ha ha he he he'

why will he tell you even if he has everything
when he knows you will get rid of him
God did well as to why we can't read hearts

had it been you guys can
you will know he is something
© SJ Allone