

A Loving God

In the realm of love divine, there lies a sacred plan,
Where a loving God, with grace, extends a guiding hand.
With tender care, compassion's flow, His actions softly speak,
Let's craft a verse to ponder what a loving God might seek:

A loving God would lift the hearts that heavy burdens bear,
He'd dry the tears of sorrow, showing us He's always there.
In whispered winds and sunsets gold, His presence would embrace,
A love so vast, a boundless sea, where every soul finds grace.

He'd mend the broken spirits, heal wounds deep and wide,
Bring solace to the troubled minds, in Him, we'd safely hide.
With gentle words of wisdom, He'd lead us on our way,
A beacon in the darkest night, the hope that guides our day.

A loving God would sow the seeds of kindness, peace, and love,
And watch them bloom in every heart, below, in skies above.
He'd cherish every living soul, in all diversity,
For love knows not of prejudice, it flows with unity.

In storms of life, He'd be the calm, a refuge in despair,
A loving God would cherish us with tender, loving care.
So let us seek this love divine, in each and every day,
In acts of love and charity, we'll find the sacred way.

#God #ChristianPoem
© TheKingsSon