


There're many things ahead
than what you think

There're many things ahead
than your low board marks

There're many things ahead
than your arrears in college

There're many things ahead
than your average life

There're many things ahead
than your breakup with your lover

There're many things ahead
than your inside box mind

There're many things ahead
than what you think happiness is

There're many things ahead
than the insecurity you feel

There're many things ahead
than your job and life...

But There's No such things ahead
than your passion...

don't leave your passion...
go with that...
it's the beat of your life of heart

go with that truly
you'll succeed
be with you...

please you need you
don't end your life for silly life problems
instead try searching Solutions...

There're things ahead that
what you think
your life composed of'
be calm you'll analysis it...

I know We can...

Be strong Heart We can...
Be Brave Soul We can...
Be Calm Sky...We can...

We faced many things
just little, we can...!
don't die by seeing this
we've to Survive once to live forever
we can...we can...

Let my scar heals
So those stars with wound
will be relaxed
Let my heart broke
So the heat in me
will be calmed...

© Sky's tales