

Untold Stories
They choose to silent remain
Along with the voice of the rain
They keep the secrets in vain
It's about the truth behind the scene
They're seen
But Man sometimes tells no lies
The curtain is uncloaked on his eyes
They're real, catched among the ashes
They're showed, and a few trusted.
It's about the hidden miracles beyond the night
A dog listen carefully the Subh soaring light
The Stars shine brighter at midnight
And suddenly dissapear when the morning comes to fight.
The dogs feel no one when the du'a pray. They even don't note me as a mere thief.
And later the du'a is ended.
They bark to every single creatures passing them.
The Untold Stories is real, It's a choice to believe in.
The Untold Stories is real, It's a truth laying beyond the dreams.

© Arma