

We got dreams,

We young but we got dreams which are hard to crack and expensive,
We always burnt by the sun with hope that one day we gon be stars,

We blinded by these dreams until we are using braille machine,

We supposed to stay cautious coz these dreams are sweet just like a kiss with your eyes closed,

Our hearts are on fire and yet they ain't lighted by a match box,

These dreams make us sick that if we get a drug we'll overdose,

We burn with passion that's why we'll never burn the pictures,
They say walls have ears but our dreams ain't any secret,
If we are given a chance then the world would know what's in our hearts,

We are so in papers believing that we'll be in them as long as our hearts are still beating,
Reading the way we'll be read,
Seeing the way we'll be seen,
Adding weight so that our clothes will be designed differently,

We are students of life so we cannot miss a class,
Even with marking scheme you all will never pass our test coz we are always positive

Am that girl who does not have to use English to explain,
coz no dream is valid
dream it,
do it,
until they sing along,

© @Rh