

Summer Of Yesteryears
This summer, like the past, is the same again,
But now it smothers me in sweat and strain,
Leaving me thirsty for shade and rain,
As the sky dissolves under the sun's fiery reign.

I closed my eyes and strolled down memory's lane,
Where, as a child, I felt summer's bliss again,
Unafraid of sunshine on my face that scorch pain,
But never let the tropic sun turn my day to bane.

I remember butterflies, yellows and whites in twain,
Fluttering to find other colours that seemed to wane,
Hidden behind summer's dust and faded terrain,
But I cycled miles, till the sun began to wane.

I loved watching the purple sky in summer's reign,
Where white clouds paraded for celestial campaign,
That turned crimson at dusk in their victory lane,
But I swung higher till the moon took its reign.

They quench my thirst for childhood summers again,
Like lemonade sweetened by memories I maintain,
Exploring holidays, where my dreams remain,
Though now, that same summer I find disdain.

By Jophin Kulangara
© 21-Apr-2023