

That halcyon of your lissome love drew me:
In those dreamy portraits where your pastels,
Defined me, my eyes and my eternal love.....
Over your hands........
Our diaphanous bungalow was,
A cynosure of affections and your ephemeral elixir echoes over daisies.....🌼

My love, I am beleaguered now,
Weak enough to brood about you,
Over those dead, shading daisies......
Your demure eloquence still rings,
Make me cry and howl;
In those darkling, hopeless nights....
In that lovable Cresent moon.

That zephyr.... completing my poesy,
My ethereal soul tired over the harbinger,
Ineffable in those labyrinthine fantasies......
Seeing you laughing away, relieved me....

Wanna be lost in my gentle sins,
Where lissome angels would sharpen their knife,
Worshipping away from worldly imbroglio,
Waiting eagerly....
For that lagniappe, carrying me away...
To those distant lands,
My hell..... More like the paradise 🌼💙
© Shadow