

take that risk.
For the one who is still in a hesitate, in a doubt. Here's to you.

Start taking that risk, no matter what. Don't waste your time by living yourself with "what ifs".

"What if I've done it differently?"
"What if it would work out?"
"What if they actually love me just like how much I love them?"

Cause babygirl, if we never dare to take that risk, we may never know what is the result.
If you take that risk, it could either be a blessing, or a heartbreaking.
Whatever the result is, both of them potentially have a lesson that can be learned.

If it is a blessing that you get, well, congratulations. You made it and I'm happy for you.

But, if you get a heartbreaking instead, I feel really really sorry. It may be feel painful for you now, but, one day, the heartbreaking that you once get would become a crystal clear. Why did it have to be hurt so bad. Why did you have to feel the ache on your chest.

Time, will surely heal you. Then lead you to something even better that you could never imagine. And eventually, you'll thank yourself for being brave enough to took that risk.
© z.a