


© aloine-rachel
"Bastard, Bastard I said"
Father your voice echos in my head
My heartbeat stopped, my legs trembled beaneth the earth, my soul died
My world vanished.

Why father, why father have you
Nutured me and showed me the way
Slept by myside when I was sleepless
Talked to me when I was lonely
My companion in my young days
Only to leave and deny me.

Why depart from me when I've grown in your ways.
Why deny me in my dieing point
Why lock me out of your heart like you never saw me as your son from time being.
Why brutalize me with the excuses of me being a bastard, father why?
What offense has ye held against me.

You promised to love me no matter what happens ,
in this life and even after life.
Indeed, I'm not your real son, yes I know
But in all sincerity, am I not worthy enough to be called yours?
Even your real son, can't be of any good or better than I am.

Shall I now walk around with my grieved heart.
Shall I now wallow in my shame, shall I? Shall I?
Heads turn when I pass, I smell like a rotten food in the sight of others
I look like a devil's incarnate
The shame is unbearable father,
I have now become my greatest fear.

Wickedness, cruelty is all I see,
This is unjust, this is inhumane
This is brutal, I called you my father
I saw you the day I was born
I called your name as my first word on Earth.
But now, you've turned your back against me,
You denied me helplessly.

Now I raise my voice in pain and agony
I speak in sadness and bitterness
I sing the song of Lamentations
I cry the tears of a bastard
Because now, I'm lost in the world
I call my home.

"Bastard, bastard I said"
your words echo in my head
I repeat, devil's incarnate you are!
Why father, why me?
This burden is too much ,
This is unjustly, why call me a demon? WHY?
Even demons cry talk less of the devil.

Forever lost in the World I called my own
Drowned in the water I called my life
Denied by the man I called my father

Sowed in love, harvested in tears.